
7 05, 2015

The Photographic Legacy of George Catlin’s Indian Gallery

2020-01-17T14:42:06-06:00May 7th, 2015|0 Comments

Last week we had the good fortune to be joined by Karen Barber, Curatorial Fellow in Photography at the Amon Carter Museum of American Art, where she is currently working on a project related to photography and Native America. Karen talked to us about the continuing legacy of George Catlin’s Indian Gallery in 19th and 20th-century photography. After amassing an Indian Gallery of more than 500 paintings, Catlin began to exhibit his collection to American audiences. He believed that Indian cultures were vanishing and would be known by future generations only through the visual record he was preserving. What he [...]

29 04, 2015

George Catlin Landscapes

2020-01-17T14:40:16-06:00April 29th, 2015|0 Comments

Last week the museum hosted an adult program called Sid’s Studio, in which we created landscape paintings inspired by the works of George Catlin. While Catlin is known for his portraits and scenes of everyday life of American Indians, at the foundation of his paintings are his landscapes. When Catlin made his first trips up the Missouri River in 1830 and 1832, he was enraptured by the landscape. Although the Philadelphian portraitist originally intended to paint the Native Americans themselves, the artist felt compelled to depict their prairies, rivers, and hills as well. In his Letters and Notes, Catlin wrote: [...]

25 04, 2015

Happy Birthday, Sid!

2020-01-17T14:39:25-06:00April 25th, 2015|0 Comments

On this day in 1891, Sid Richardson was born. During his lifetime, Sid demonstrated two defining characteristics: an ability to make lasting friendships and the ability to make money. John Connally, Sid Richardson, Lyndon Johnson, Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce Dinner, 1957. Courtesy, Fort Worth Star-Telegram Collection, Special Collections, The University of Texas at Arlington Library, Arlington, Texas. Though he was friends with many famous people throughout his career, including at the time, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey, and Texas Congressman Sam Rayburn and Senator Lyndon Johnson, Sid shied away from the public [...]

17 04, 2015

National Volunteer Week

2020-01-17T14:37:08-06:00April 17th, 2015|2 Comments

This week is National Volunteer Week. We are so thankful to have a dedicated group of docents who volunteer their time to share their passion about art and history with others. It is because of our docents that we are able to connect with so many school children and visitors every year at the Sid Richardson Museum. In honor of National Volunteer Week, we’d like to kick off a new blog series dedicated to our docents. Today I’d like to introduce you to Phyllis. SRM: What drew you to the Sid Richardson Museum? Phyllis: My father-in-law was a board member [...]

1 04, 2015

Museum Education

2020-01-17T14:36:10-06:00April 1st, 2015|2 Comments

This year Kat and I had the good fortune to attend the annual National Art Education Association conference in New Orleans. During the conference, we had the opportunity to visit some of the local museums, including the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, the Contemporary Arts Center, and the New Orleans Museum of Art (which has a gorgeous sculpture garden). Ogden Museum of Southern Art Contemporary Arts Center New Orleans Museum of Art Sculpture Garden at NOMA The conference was a great way for us to meet our fellow art museum educators from [...]

16 03, 2015

Colors of the West

2020-01-17T14:34:58-06:00March 16th, 2015|0 Comments

“If you will permit me to observe, I will say I think the lighting in your studio is too cold. I have found the same trouble and two years ago I painted or stained both my studio here and my summer one a rich red which had the effect of warming up my paint immediately. Why don’t you try it?” – A letter from Frederic Remington to wildlife painter Carl Rungius Last week the museum hosted its annual Spring Break workshops for both children and tweens. During their visit, the students explored color theory and how color influences mood and [...]

11 03, 2015

Dobie and The Longhorns

2020-01-17T14:33:55-06:00March 11th, 2015|5 Comments

Last week we temporarily installed a display in the galleries of a book from the museum’s library by folklorist and author J. Frank Dobie, The Longhorns -- originally from the library of Sid Richardson. Sid Richardson enjoyed a warm friendship with Dobie who, at Sid’s invitation, used Richardson’s San Jose Island ranch as a writer’s haven in 1939 when he wrote The Longhorns. Each print edition of The Longhorns opens with a dedication to Sid, and each of the twenty chapters, illustrated by Tom Lea, is dedicated to a significant individual in Dobie’s life: TO SID W. RICHARDSON who is attempting [...]

25 02, 2015

Texas Post Office Murals

2020-01-17T14:32:43-06:00February 25th, 2015|0 Comments

Sunday marked SRM artist Peter Hurd’s birthday. During the Great Depression era, like many of his peers, Hurd joined the New Deal art projects to execute several post office murals in locations such as Dallas and Big Spring, Texas and Alamogordo, New Mexico, his native state. In Texas alone, the federal government commissioned 106 artworks for 69 post offices and federal buildings. Several of these pieces are now lost. As a scholar and admirer of American and Texas art of the 1930s, I have made it my personal mission to visit and document the remaining. Peter Hurd, O Pioneers, 1938, [...]

16 02, 2015

Encore: Artist as Recorder

2020-01-17T14:31:36-06:00February 16th, 2015|0 Comments

Back by popular demand, the museum hosted an encore children’s workshop focusing on the artist’s role as recorder. Like traveling American artists in the 19th century, the kids had to carry their sketching supplies with them throughout the galleries. On our art adventure, each young artist received a canvas bag that they customized and decorated. With their notes and sketches freshly drawn, the young traveling artists journeyed into the studio classroom where they brought their drawings to life with paint and canvas.

13 02, 2015

Campin’ Buddies

2020-01-17T14:30:36-06:00February 13th, 2015|1 Comment

“In the city men shake hands and call each other friends but it’s the lonesome places that ties their harts together and harts do not forget.” - Charles M. Russell to Santa Fe [Tom Conway], March 24, 1917 Last week we welcomed back home one of our own – Charles Russell’s Man’s Weapons Are Useless When Nature Goes Armed. Originally hung in Sid Richardson's dining room at his San Jose Island home, this painting is a favorite among our visitors and had been out on loan with the traveling exhibition, Harmless Hunter: The Wildlife Work of Charles M. Russell, which [...]