Behind the Scenes

2 09, 2015

Dedicated Docents: Mark

2020-01-17T14:49:07-06:00September 2nd, 2015|0 Comments

Each of our volunteer docents are unique individuals with an array of varied interests and skills. Continuing our blog series dedicated to our docents, today I’d like to introduce you to Mark. SRM:  What drew you to the Sid Richardson Art Museum? Mark: One day after returning from out-of-state exile (I’m a native Texan), I looked through the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and noticed a small ad for prospective docents at the Sid Richardson Museum. It sounded interesting, and since I had always liked western art, Remington, and Russell, I thought, “Why not?” SRM:  What do you want visitors to get [...]

17 06, 2015

Dedicated Docents: Fay

2020-01-17T14:45:05-06:00June 17th, 2015|0 Comments

Docent. do·cent /do'sent/ 1 : a person who leads guided tours, especially through a museum or art gallery. At the Sid Richardson Art Museum, prospective docents attend an intensive training process through which the volunteers learn about the museum, our collection, and good communication and interpretation skills by which to engage with our visitors, both children and adults. Continuing our blog series dedicated to our docents, today I’d like to introduce you to Fay. SRM: What drew you to the Sid Richardson Art Museum? Fay:  Having grown up with the Western genre, I was naturally drawn to the SRM after moving [...]

17 04, 2015

National Volunteer Week

2020-01-17T14:37:08-06:00April 17th, 2015|2 Comments

This week is National Volunteer Week. We are so thankful to have a dedicated group of docents who volunteer their time to share their passion about art and history with others. It is because of our docents that we are able to connect with so many school children and visitors every year at the Sid Richardson Museum. In honor of National Volunteer Week, we’d like to kick off a new blog series dedicated to our docents. Today I’d like to introduce you to Phyllis. SRM: What drew you to the Sid Richardson Museum? Phyllis: My father-in-law was a board member [...]

1 04, 2015

Museum Education

2020-01-17T14:36:10-06:00April 1st, 2015|2 Comments

This year Kat and I had the good fortune to attend the annual National Art Education Association conference in New Orleans. During the conference, we had the opportunity to visit some of the local museums, including the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, the Contemporary Arts Center, and the New Orleans Museum of Art (which has a gorgeous sculpture garden). Ogden Museum of Southern Art Contemporary Arts Center New Orleans Museum of Art Sculpture Garden at NOMA The conference was a great way for us to meet our fellow art museum educators from [...]

16 12, 2014

Thank you, Docents!

2020-01-17T14:12:28-06:00December 16th, 2014|2 Comments

Yesterday we celebrated our wonderful group of docents with a holiday luncheon. We are so honored to work with such a talented and caring ensemble of volunteers. These men and women are vital to our art museum. Through their passion and knowledge of art of the American West, the docents help to positively shape visitor’s attitudes about art and museums. We’re not the only ones who appreciate our volunteers. At the end of every field trip, we send out a survey to assess student visits and learn how we can better serve future school groups. Here is just some of [...]

7 10, 2014

A Russell Documentary

2020-01-17T13:45:07-06:00October 7th, 2014|0 Comments

Recently, the museum received a special visit from Montana PBS, which is currently filming a documentary about Charlie Russell and his time in the American West.  Writer and producer, Paul Zalis, is working with many scholars and institutions on this project, including yours truly. One of the project’s chief scholars is Dr. Brian Dippie who is also the guest curator for our current exhibition, Take Two: George Catlin Revisits the West. Mr. Zalis and his crew filmed Dr. Dippie and Western art scholar, Dr. Rick Stewart, as they toured our collection.  Let’s chat with Paul Zalis to learn more about the [...]

3 09, 2014

Meet & Greet: Leslie

2020-01-17T13:41:06-06:00September 3rd, 2014|0 Comments

Today’s post concludes our summer blog series, Meet & Greet. We’ve enjoyed sharing our staff with you and hope you’ve learned a little more about the Sid Richardson Museum. For our final introduction, let me tell you a little bit about myself, Leslie Thompson, Adult Audiences Manager. Describe your job. I work within the education department, primarily with our Adult Programs. I design and implement dynamic programs for adults to provide engaging experiences aimed at enhancing visitors’ relationships with the artwork. In addition, I organize continuing education for our docents and manage special events hosted at the museum. What does [...]

20 08, 2014

Meet & Greet: Debi

2020-01-17T13:11:28-06:00August 20th, 2014|2 Comments

Have you enjoyed getting better acquainted with our staff this summer? Our Meet & Greet series is nearing the end. But first, let’s catch up with Debi Carl, Visitor Services and Store Liaison. Describe your job. I am usually the first person visitors meet when they enter the Museum.  I greet visitors, distribute gallery guides, answer questions pertaining to the Museum or Mr. Richardson and can give directions to almost anything in Fort Worth/Tarrant County. I also assist store staff, if needed. What does any average day entail? My daily duties will vary.  Most of the time I am in [...]

29 07, 2014

Meet & Greet: Renee

2020-01-17T13:08:36-06:00July 29th, 2014|0 Comments

Continuing our summer blog series, Meet & Greet, let’s catch up with our Administrative Assistant, Renee Green. Renee Green: front left Describe your job. I provide administrative support to the Director by assisting with exhibitions, scheduling meetings and coordinating related tasks from making logistical arrangements for museum professionals to maintaining the shared Museum calendar. I also prepare reports and databases for museum projects and proofread staff-prepared material.  I answer the Museum’s incoming telephone calls and interact with the Director, Visitor Services/Store Liaison, all of our wonderful staff members, volunteers and the public. What does any average day entail? [...]

16 07, 2014

Meet & Greet: Mary

2020-01-17T13:06:11-06:00July 16th, 2014|0 Comments

Continuing our summer blog series, Meet & Greet, let's get acquainted with Mary Burke, our Director. Describe your job. I lead a team of professionals who are talented, dedicated and creative and work well together and with our visitors. They make our collection of late 19th – early 20th century art of the American West accessible, inviting and relevant to the community, via the museum’s exhibitions, resources and programming for students, families and adults. What does an average day entail? “Average” varies, but normally it involves planning and organizing the upcoming exhibition, overseeing operational aspects of the museum and communicating with team [...]