Creative Connections

12 11, 2013

Learning Through Story

2020-01-17T12:09:59-06:00November 12th, 2013|0 Comments

Who doesn’t enjoy a good story? Stories have power; they delight, enchant, touch, teach, recall, inspire, motivate, and challenge. Stories give life to past experience and help us understand a time now gone.  It is through stories that we can help visitors relate to the works of Remington and Russell and the art of the American West. Our docents are natural storytellers. To help nurture that skill, we brought in professional storyteller Ann Marie Newman. Ann Marie has performed and taught at several storytelling festivals and workshops in the DFW area. Since 2006, she has been the Dallas Museum of [...]

28 10, 2013

Tea and Talk

2020-01-17T12:02:40-06:00October 28th, 2013|0 Comments

Earlier this month, the museum hosted its first Tea & Talk. Did you know that the average museum visitor spends 12-15 seconds per painting? And that's being generous. Rather than get caught up in the museum shuffle, Tea and Talk allows visitors the opportunity to slow down and take time to really see the art. Together we take an in-depth look at a selection of works and engage in conversation about our observations. The experience can be eye-opening, as each perspective shines light on new details and ideas. The more one looks at a painting, the more one will find. [...]

30 09, 2013

New Adult Programming

2020-01-17T11:42:53-06:00September 30th, 2013|0 Comments

Starting this year, the Sid Richardson Museum is embarking on a new venture: public programs for adults. The education department is designing and implementing exciting and dynamic adult public programs that provide engaging experiences aimed at enhancing visitors’ relationships with the artwork. We do this by creating programs that facilitate personal meaning making, which encourages lasting connections and lifelong learning. Last Friday kicked off our season with a wonderful lecture by TCU professor Dr. Mark Thistlethwaite. Dr. Thistlethwaite discussed the artworks of Remington and Russell within the context of a dynamically changing U.S. at the turn of the century.  Our [...]